We have discussed the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, but have put little focus on the Arab treatment of the Palestinians. How has the Arab World treated the Palestinians historically and currently?
These links explains some of the mistreatment of the Palestinians by the Arabs.
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1. Arabs have barred Palestinian Arab Refugees from seeking citizenship in the surrounding Arab countries.
The Arab League issued instructions barring the Arab states from granting citizenship to Palestinian Arab refugees (or their descendants) "to avoid dissolution of their identity and protect their right to return to their homeland".[25] |
Palestinians in Iraq have come under increasing pressure to leave since the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003. Hundreds of Palestinians were evicted from their homes by Iraqi landlords following the fall of Saddam Hussein. |
After the Gulf War of 1990-1991, Kuwait and other Gulf Arab monarchies expelled more than 400,000 Palestinian refugees and ended financial support of Palestinians |
There are still about 350,000 non-citizen Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. |
They are not allowed to own property. Unlike other foreigners in Lebanon, they are denied access to the Lebanese healthcare system. The Lebanese government refused to grant them work permits or permission to own land. The number of restrictions has been mounting since 1990 |