Armed Forces
This thread has been started so professionals or others involved in this sector can post their job related descriptions and experiences to help you better determine if this is the career/job you would like to pursue in the future.
Professional: Please tell what the job involves, the pros and cons, usual salary, and kinds of promotions
Future Professional: You may ask questions here, but please be specific
Note: This board should not be used for discussions relevant to other boards.
This will vary by country and branch of service. I can speak for US military only.
I was enlisted in the Marine Corps. Enlisted people make less than Officers. Higher ranking enlisted make decent wages when you add in housing and food benefits which are non-taxable. However, you won't get rich. Lower enlisted ranks make very little really. Also, if you are single, you make less because they don't give you a housing allowance or food allowance. You are expected to live in the barracks and eat in the chow hall.
Just about every civilian job you can imagine is available to US service members.
My suggestion is to try it. It isn't for everyone, but some people love it. I think it is a great experience. You will learn self-discipline and get Veterans Benefits if nothing else. My military experience has made me who I am today. Also, I used the VA Loan program to buy my house with no money down and didn't need to get PMI insurance either. The VA Loan is guaranteed by the government and acts like PMI insurance.
I don't know if the other branches of the military (other than the Marine Corps) leave the same lasting impression, but going into the Marine Corps was one of the best things I did, even though it wasn't for me careerwise.