I was reading up on Nadya Suleman and its kind of a sad situation. After all the media hype died off she had to resort to porn and her father returned to Iraq as a translator in order to support all the children. I didn't find anything more recent than that.
I remember this case. It made people double think the value of in vitro. Saying its a mistake after all those years and her kids watching is a bigger mistake, can't change the past. The kids must be all big and grown up now.
I think the occupiers are around seven or eight years old now. If I remember correctly she has quite a few othe kids and they are older. I think she was already on public assistance when she had the octuplets, although I don't know how she paid for that.
And it took her this long to realize that what she was doing was wrong? Its not like this was a bad business decision or painting the living room the wrong colour… this was about people's lives. Good thing the children have at least stayed out of the public's eye for now.
She did all of this for the fame and the money. She is and will always be remembered as a welfare Queen. People who keep having kids so they can get more money from the government to care for them. She is saying this just to remain in the news and keep her five minutes of fame going.