Name: Nicole
Comments: Okay I'm not here to harass anybody at all. I can feel your question... Sort of. I have a friend who just turned 18, and he is telling me that he is in love with a 14 year old girl. And he says hes never felt this way about anyone before. I told him I'd look up the facts..but what is the harm in this case? Can someone tell me whats legal and whats not PLEASE!
If they live in the U.S., most states have laws stating that an 18 year old can't have sexual relationships with anyone under the age of 18. That doesn't prohibit romantic relationships if there is no sex involved, and I personally think that most fourteen year old's aren't ready to have sex anyways (though that's my opinion), but if this law is broken, he can easily be charged for statutory rape. He would have to register as a sex offender and that will follow him for the rest of his life.
I think that if he really loves her and she really loves him, their love will wait four years until they can legally be together.
Trust me, I'm really rooting for this. I believe that it's not fair to judge every situation based on a few perverts out there, and two people of any age past puberty should be able to legally be together if they want to. I understand the concerns, but is it really fair to let the government judge? However, I don't see any of these laws changing in the near future, so I guess the only thing to do is wait.
Tell your friend that I wish them both the best of luck. If it's meant to be, it will be :)
Laws exist in this area, because very often 'youths' are not ready to handle the responsibilities of a sexual relationship. Sometimes, they need guidance that just isn't there for them. The problem is that the physical maturity of young people around these ages really varies, and in some the emotional quotient is higher as well. Unfortunately society just isn't designed to start categorizing people according to all the different variables that define a person's 'maturity'.
The bottom line is, it is ultimately their decision. In Canada the age of consent is 14 years old. Our government believes that young people should be responsible enough to deal with sexual relationships. This is still very debatable.
Personally I would not allow my 14 yr old daughter to begin a relationship with a boy who is nearly finished high school. I do not believe a 14 yr old girl, no matter how physically mature she may be is ready to deal with the demands of a young man, no matter how good his intentions may be.
I hate to play upon stereotypes but an 18 year old boy is naturally driven by hormones, its a tough an exciting time. Younger girls are very attractive to them because they are often at a stage where they are driven by their want of acceptance. You put these two things together and it is like 'rocket fuel'. As an old fart, I can see the situation clearly but when you are immersed in it, it is near impossible to get your head above water.
My ultimate advice to your buddy would be to exercise extreme caution. Think! Nature will take it's course, but THINK! There is a very fine line between an awesome experience and a lifetime of regret.