Fort Hood military base
At least seven people have been killed and 12 others wounded in a shooting at Fort Hood military base in the US state of Texas, police say. Ref. BBC
Fox News is saying that there were two shooters, one was caught and another on the lose. This is supposed to be a very large post / base - I'm confused as to which it is at the moment as they keep using the words simultaneously,
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3235 100%
Apparently it was an officer, for now it seems like it was only a shooter but the reports still changing at this time, we will have to wait and see.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
It is being reported that the shooter was Psychiatrist Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. They are investigating whether Hasan was his birth name or if he may have changed his name, possibly as part of a conversion to Islam.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
There are so many conflicting reports about this but from this one site it says that the guy was a psychiatrist and a major in the army. Major Malik Nadal Hasan. He was also a Muslim and against the war. This is going to be really bad for the rep of the Muslims. Here is from the site.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 23 2.3%
I have a daughter down there on the military base. She is fine. They were on lock down till almost 10 pm.
You will hear the words military post and military base. I can tell you that it is the same thing. I believe this Major has killed 12 people and 31 were injured or wounded. I am glad that the post MP's were able to keep him from harming others by shooting him before he had time to flee.
The fact that his name is of middle eastern I am sure that there will be some who will now want to take revenge on those of the muslim faith. I hope that the local police and the MP's are ready to stop that from happening.
My heart goes out to the families of those who were killed. I am hoping that this Major pays dearly for the lives he took and attempted to take.
Obama's shocking post shooting insensitivity
As if blaming Bush for the floundering economy and the continuing effort to pile on to an already enormous deficit weren't evidence enough that Barack Obama isn't exactly presidential -- he poured more gasoline on to the fire with his remarks after the shooting at Fort Hood. He should have come out completely somber and measured in his remarks. Instead, he did THIS: Source 3