I wish I could say for sure if any other online role players would follow me, but is unknown right now. It seems our breed is becoming rare, and it is our nature to collect in small groups rather than participate in larger communities. It does make sense though, as we ultimately desire to make our surroundings familiar to us.
I am originally from a community which is surprisingly large, but it revolves around an online role playing game. I believe part of its success is it's simplicity, being a 2D game that offers a rich environment for role playing. I unfortunately, can no longer tolerate the leveling process of the game which like others relies upon a monotonous system of crafting. I reached a level where I cannot simply justify hours of wasted time to achieve an extra level in my blacksmithing skill even though that increase is necessary. Aside from that the scenarios that perpetuate the role playing seem to surround very select groups of which I am rarely a part of, and to participate in the play and post role playing that exists as well one has to have their game character somewhat involved in these significant events. The Play and Post, and the creative outlet that the writing involves is my first love and so I have sought out other places where I can find this.
After a lot of searching I have only found two sites that offer the environment I was seeking, International Discussions and the World of Medieval being one of them. So many of the other sites I have found are well structured but have little activity, they are like ghost towns, abandoned worlds with a few lingering stories. It makes me wonder if this is a trend or if in fact role playing is in decline. I do not have your extensive online experiences to properly judge this.
Your World of Medieval system is what I am most accustomed to and what I prefer. The other site I am involved with is similar, though not as developed. Your future implementation of an online 'character sheet' will definitely be a very attractive addition. I stay connected with the other site only because I enjoy participating in multiple scenarios, I have three on the go right now. Also the other site since it does not utilize a 'combat system' allows me to create an adventure in a D&D style, setting up any type of combat system I wish. I do not draw these comparisons to measure one site against the other, I mention it only because I detected the curiosity of a developer who is always seeking ways to modify his creations. I am humbled by your gesture to take the time to provide modifications to accommodate game mastering for a player. I need to study and experiment with your systems before I can know whether or not I can adapt to them.
Right now I am very much enjoying the World of Medieval 'Revenge' adventure.
Thank you. Edited: Tiphereth on 11th Feb, 2009 - 5:05pm
I say work on developing it and I will come and walk trough it with you as a tester. Having more than 25 years of gaming experience in the AD&D worlds I believe we can work out bugs. I am like you and always searching for a good role playing site where one can enjoy themselves and see their characters grow.
I have started a play by post on JBs other site found here, Source 1, if you interested. It is a game I am still developing and using the AD&D world.
Thank you JB and KNtoran.
KNtoran where precisely is your post located?
JB, I completely agree with you that an effort on your part should be rewarded with some avid participation. The concepts I have in mind are really not that complicated, and perhaps an environment yet exists here. I'll make sure I explore everything.
Again, thank you.
Indeed KNtoran, this is what I was seeking. I am not really one for bells and whistles, although as I was previously mentioning, I am curious on whether we can post graphics in the RPG-Text forum, it would be nice to have graphic representation of our characters. If it is possible, I am an artist and would be able to whip graphics for you and whoever joined us.
I think JB had mentioned that it might be possible to use the gallery to hyperlink to a picture, but I am not sure. It seems that feature is blocked. If he's about perhaps he could clarify.
Nothing huge, like I said about 200 to 220 pixels in height max so as not to clutter the posts, sometimes people make their graphics way too big. Edited: Tiphereth on 12th Feb, 2009 - 5:20pm