The color coordination between the CSS and hexcodes and the actual graphics programs must be pretty significant, getting things to match up as seamlessly as when you put a new theme together - the wildcats one obviously moreso - both look very good.
I'm curious about the logistics of this - you have a number of themes, do they all get used, adequately? Can you tell? Doesn't having more themes make things slow down? Do you retire older ones you had less time or knowledge to work with?
These are custom Themes for client's sites. Most say how they want it done and we do it according to their wishes. I do not use them on my sites or resell them like typical template site, see here: Source 9
SMF Urban Terror Theme
Another one of our latest game server Custom Themes:
SMF Rock / Music Theme
Name: Lander
Comments: Your custom themes are impressive but I'm just wondering if I can make payments weekly or monthly until I pay off for it.
Sorry we do not have a payment plan for our Custom SMF Themes. The best I can offer you is to save up and then Contact Us again when you are ready to pay. Make sure to use our SMF Custom Theme Quote page so you know how much your Theme will cost.
Name: Joey
Comments: Can you give me a rough estimate about how much it will cost to design a business template for the Simple Machines forum? I want it to look just like the front of my site.