Custom SMF Military Brotherhood Theme
Another happy client with a Theme created based on military badges for war veterans:
Custom SMF Business Theme
This one was meant to look just like the client's website, as you can see SMF is the same:
SMF Fishing Theme
I just have not gotten a chance to update some of the Themes we did, here are two:
I take long to get the themes highlighted here. These are two I did awhile now.
In this one the client has a main site that sells goods and of course wanted his SMF to look the same.
As part of having all our sites responsive we've changed our SMF Theme Samples pages to be easier to navigate and of course work well on your tablet or mobile.
SMF Responsive Themes
It has been awhile since I've updated this Thread. I will show you one of the latest Themes I did which focuses on Responsiveness without using javascript to be compatible with various devices from PC to mobile.
I have not updated here in awhile because of my schedule but I have been working on SMF Themes as usual with a lot of them being very complex. I was recently reading a 'debate', if you will, about how easy it would be to make a Mobile SMF Theme. After reading all the fighting over it I said this:
Interesting read. I'll just say that making a site mobile is a lot of hard work and most importantly it is ONGOING. You may address an issue today and find that some user somewhere may have trouble with it and then you have to address the issue again. A lot of planning has to go into a multi-function theme because you have to decide what is the most important for a mobile user to see / access and yet not take away from a desktop user. In other words, its more than pretty colors and things that slide and fade away.