Summer birth and computer games linked to heightened short-sight risk in childhood. Summer birth and hours spent playing computer games are linked to a heightened risk of developing short or near sightedness (Myopia) in childhood, indicates a twin study. Source 1i.
China seems to think it’s serious enough to take action. They put a freeze on licensing for new games while they review. Tencent is a large tech company that mentioned this as a reason why they missed their numbers last quarter.
With the research that I've done personally on this, I believe it to be completely true. Plus I'm near sighted as well, with 13+ years of computer gaming on an intensive level.
Yeah, I'm a bit suspect on this research myself. Where I'd see it less as playing lots of video games and more how close you are to the screen and if you're are doing such at night or in a dark room. Since that puts you're eyes under more straight then simply the video games themselves. Plus, just simply the fact that a lot of people in general are having eye troubles, even when they don't play video games or watch a lot of television.
Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Jan, 2020 - 6:21pm
I believe old school players may have suffered from this because of the amount of radiation given out by monitors and TV sets back then.