Defend ourselves by doing evil
What are your thoughts about the following quote:
"It is never right to do wrong or to requite wrong with wrong, or when we suffer evil to defend ourselves by doing evil in return."
-- Socrates 469 - 399 BC
Someone who believes in peace may follow something like this but not I.
I am one that if I am to defend myself or my loved ones I may have to commit a act that is going to harm or kill another. If that occurs I will do my best to protect what is mine or what belongs to a loved one. I will not go to the extreme to get back some object by killing a person but I may hurt him by tackling them and cuffing them.
I certainly do not believe that you solve anything with violence but I can understand situations where it might be necessary in order to defend yourself.
I certainly would do anything I could to protect my loved ones but I wont be teaching my son that violence solves anything because it doesn't. I will also never be violent towards him in order to teach him that you can solve problems through peaceful means.
I think KNtoran and I agree that to defend oneself and Family is actually quite moral and justified and violence, if used to stop evil, is ultimately more good, then watching the innocent be harmed or killed.
Quoting Archiv
I certainly do not believe that you solve anything with violence...but I wont be teaching my son that violence solves anything because it doesn't. |
I agree Dbackers. Violence when used to stop evil is a good thing. But using violence to achieve a goal is not correct. While violence has its place in preventing evil from occurring. Peaceful means of getting things done is the safer path. Besides it hurts less that way. I would want someone to try the peaceful method to solve a problem before resorting to violence.
Take the example of the guy raping the woman. If you went up to the guy and told him to get off your trying to solve this non violently. IF he refuses then you need to use force to make him comply. This is where violence is in the right place.
If a peaceful way is not possible or has been tried then yes use violence and use it well.
The difficult thing about this question is that it is subject to the definition of evil.
I do not believe it wrong or evil to execute a man who is found guilty of a heinous crime. Regardless of the views around me, and the cries of martyrs in my ears, this is what I believe.
Thus were I placed in a situation that forced me exact judgment upon a criminal my actions would be viewed as evil by our society.
Were we a peaceful and moralistic people Socrates' quote would be valid, but we are not.