Dennis McComie
What are your thoughts about the moderating of Dennis McComie during media / post cabinet meetings?
My thoughts are that Mr. McComie needs to be reminded that he is a former journalist and it is a shame that someone who has worked in media for so long can have such a rude attitude towards his former colleagues. He is treating them like if they are little children in a pre-school. No snacks if they do not "Behave"? What is he going to do next? Give them licks?
During the last exchange, he said first that the media could ask any questions they would like and is up to the ministers to answer but then he seems to think he is the god that decides what constitutes a "Silly" Question.
Journalists are there to ask ANY questions, including the hard ones that he seems to have a problem with. They are not there to ask the questions that are convenient to the government in place. That's absolutely ridiculous.
Is this man going to apologize to the media? I cannot believe that someone who holds a position such as the Director of Communications at the office of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago would have such an impolite, presumptuous, unpleasant and impudent attitude.
When the Office of the Prime Minister referred to those statements as "Unfortunate, offensive and regrettable", Mc Commie apologized to the media and the Media Association of T&T. He also added: