I was a member of a popular website entitled "MYSPACE.COM" and I was fortunate enough to receive an email from LDS_Forever, inviting me to join the TT CRIME forum. Initially, I was sceptical because I thought it was either spam or a hoax. But I took a peek and never looked back! Now I am a current member of this exciting forum and I have deleted my membership from MYSPACE.COM!
I wanted someplace to go where I could discuss different things and meet some interesting people, so I came here through a forum search.
I popped "religious discussion" into google a wee while ago and this was one of the sites that it listed.
Oh, nothing too specific JB. I was raised a Catholic and as a child believed everything I was taught to believe. Since my teens I've come to dis-believe or to question a great deal of my own religion and religions in general so I was looking to discuss religious ideas with others to try and make sense of it all. I'm not sure I have but I guess there still time to try.
I do not recall you being involved in Religious Discussion. We also have a Studies of Catholicism Board which you should tackle as we seem to have some shy Catholics in the Community (except for Vincenzo).