Opposition MP, Mrs Kamla Persad-Bissessar has recently accused the Minister of Finance, Ms Karen Nunez-Tesheira of withdrawing her investment from CLICO Investment Bank, after receiving insider information about CLICO in crisis. Ms Nunez-Tesheira was enraged, stood up, glared at Kamla and snarled:
"I just want to say to you that I did not use any privileged information to my advantage!" |
I was watching this yesterday and the first thing that came to my mind was the many insider trading scandals that we read about right here. Cases like Martha Stewart and others despite many reasonable explanations could not escape the fact that it just looks too coincidental to be true.
With politics, especially with Trini politics, one can never tell what is truth because there are so many lies. I do not have confidence in any political enterprise at the moment let alone a lone individual puppet to greater forces that be.
Nunez-Texiera has the knowledge, portfolio and background to know it was time to change her market position and as head of said portfolio, she did what she thought to maximize that profit.
Insider trading does not fit but the appearance is the reality if people thought she should lose as much as they did!
Kamla-Bissesar was mad (I wasn't there) because her nemesis made all that return on investment and she didn't or did not park her money where it mattered.
This lady seems to be in the news more than the lady with the octuplets!
First, she is accused by Kamla for using her privileged information to her advantage to cash in her investment. Now we are hearing that there is proof that her fixed deposits were not matured when Karen chose to cash in. The government is involved in rescuing CLICO and we have learnt that Karen has shares in CLICO. It is speculated that the shares could be worth $1 or $10 million, no one is certain.
You know, I felt proud when I learnt that Karen was the first female Finance Minister in Trinidad and Tobago. But now, like Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Karen is an embarrassment and a poor role model for all women. I understand Karen is also well versed in the law. What a pity she does not seem to have a conscience because if she did, she would do the honourable thing and resign as Finance Minister right now!
Name: Joe
Comments: Kamla is about sour grapes but there is no denying that perception is valued more than the reality of Ms Nunez-Texiera market position was flopping so as she should, she exited.
Now is the perfect time for Ministers of all portfolios to specifically indicate if they hold financial positions and have it as part of Financial Disclosure. My question is: Does one need to include the spouse's financial holdings and is it clearly stated in the present Financial Disclosure documents.
I have not seen any governmental or opposition standing on seeking to clarify said financial rules but the Opposition seeks to embarrass instead of bringing up the present format for disclosure.
At least both side can educate the public while still showing who is at fault for all to see instead of trying to bulldoze (intimidate) the people into FEAR (false evidence appearing real).