Drive 'PH' taxis out of existence
Two years ago, we noted that "one of the telling examples of the tolerance for lawlessness in Trinidad and Tobago is the way private cars have been allowed to trade as taxis, in flagrant violation of the law, and in spite of the fact that applying for a taxi badge is a simple matter, essentially requiring a certificate of good character from the police and an inspection to test the roadworthiness of the vehicle to be used." Ref. Source 2
If there are no PH cars then people will do the sensible thing and get an H liscense and H car. The whole thing with Trinis today is they want the easy way out. You see them running from police when they come around the corner, they rather do that than do the right thing.
Imbert: Strong action against PH drivers coming
Apparently giving full political support to the initiative announced by the acting Commissioner of Police to crack down on PH drivers, Works Minister Colm Imbert stated yesterday: "The time has come to take very, very strong action against PH drivers and let them convert their vehicles into H cars". Ref. Source 8
Shallow approach to 'PH' problem
I find this crackdown on "PH'' drivers and tints very amusing. In July last year, days after the unfortunate loss of two hikers, I wrote that as I inched along in the traffic gridlock and contemplated the set of circumstances which may have cost those two hikers their young lives, a highway vendor parked his cylindrical drinks cart in front of the car. I made the point that I fully support entrepreneurs but, far too often, entrepreneurs operate outside of or in the absence of laws. Ref. Source 1