To all the members living in the U.S.A. area I must wish you a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I am thankful to God for my health and strength to face every day of my life.
I am thankful to God for my Mother and Father who's still alive to be by my side.
I am thankful for my loving children and grandchildrens.
I am thankful for the air that I breathe, the roof over my head, the food on my table and for my brothers and sisters.
I can go on and on but I will leave space for others to say what they are thankful for.
Eat, drink and be merry and most of all be safe!
The day has come and gone ;D starting from the Wednesday night i was baking right into 5 in de morning, catch a little sleep then get up make breakfast.
We had Tobago cocoa tea with fresh baked bread and ham, not me i don't eat pork so i didn't eat any ham
I started to cook around 10am and finish at 3pm, talk about food that was food. My dad, sister, neices came over pluss who was already in the house, i even gave the landlord breakfast and lunch i had to feed him because he was working on my apartment ;D
Selman, how did you spend your day ??? ;D
Hey soft, it seems you had a great thanksgiving day! You know what? I think is an awesome holiday, I wish it could have thanksgiving day in all's so great to know that there is a holiday where you thank God for all the blessings we have...I think is really good!.
Glad you all had a great time!
Ps: Where is my pie by the way?
I am going to my mom's for brunch and then I am having to cook 2 turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner at my mom-in-law's house. She is having to work on Thanksgiving day and asked me if I would cook the turkey and then everyone else is supposed to cook a side dish as well.
I will be going to Church and eating dinner with the members. We have so many who don't have extended family near. They are young families with one or two children, or senior citizen couples or singles who just don't have the where with all to cook up a thanksgiving feast. So our Branch provides the turkeys (3) and the rest of us bring the rest of the meal. We all sign up for something, if we are able. There is always plenty of food, and I tell you, there is an abundance of brotherly love. I look forward to it each year. Wish we did the same for Christmas. I usually spend that day alone. Aw well, perhaps this year I can invite some of the single sisters to my house.
We already had our Thanksgiving feast. It was quite embarrassing because my friend said it was supposed to be a school activity. So my whole family went and it turned out to be a church meet and it's for another church. :-[
But I'm very excited that Thanksgiving is coming!!! Yah! yah! yah! Although we don't have any extended family nearby and probably won't have a chance to have a big feast on that day I really enjoy this season, Thanksgiving and Christmas and all that. It reminds me how much I'm blessed by Heavenly Father!!!
Thanksgiving will just be me and my son this year. This is a big change since it is usually a big family event. I found a small (11 lbs) turkey I plan to cook and I also plan to take the battery out of my motorcycle and put it in the shed for the winter. Then on Friday my grandson will come over earlier than usual so that will be a nice thing for me. He really lights up my world! Of all the things I am grateful for he is right at the top of the list!