It seems that if you eat or drink a lot of anything it can be very harmful to you. It is a good thing that many of us eat a variety of things so we are not eating enough of one thing to be harmful. I am not totally buying into this guy bacerial stuff as of yet.
How the Egg Industry Tried to Bury the TMAO Risk. “Metabolomics is a term used to describe the measurement of multiple small-molecule metabolites in biological specimens, including bodily fluids,” with the goal of “Identifying the […] Source 4t.
A previous poster mentioned deviled eggs are bad because of the extra fat added. Try this instead. Mix your hard boiled yolks with curry owner and chopped pickles to taste. Look atrocious, but an absolute winner once someone is game enough to try one and word gets around at a barbecue. Edited: Derphantom on 1st Jan, 2020 - 11:44am
I can eat it because I grew up on a farm, where I was raised to see how our world works, with plants and animals working together to complete the nutritive cycle. Those from the land aren't sheltered from the rather blunt reality of nature that city-bred people often are. It's plain to see we are nothing but mere animals. Animals, depending on species, eat what nourishes them and that includes some species dining on other species. In addition, having read vast quantities of history and biology books, I am well aware that humans are built to eat flesh and often it has been the only way for some peoples to have survived in the conditions they faced. So it is; so it's always been. Therefore I am comfortable eating such materials knowing it is natural.
On a more personal note, I have gone vegan for periods of time in attempts to replicate the experiences of certain religions as they seek purification of the soul through abstaining from animal products. I do not function well. My sister is as much a vegan as possible, but to her dismay on doctor's orders occasionally must consume an egg or a small quantity of red meat in order to not deteriorate health wise. It pains her, but needs must. Genetically, my family functions optimally with a small amount of animal material in our diet. If anyone can function to perfection on a vegan diet: good for you, count yourself fortunate. I wish you all the best.
My opinion of eggs is the opposite to yours. Smells great, tastes great.
How Our Gut Bacteria Can Use Eggs to Accelerate Cancer. The reason egg consumption is associated with elevated cancer risk may be the TMAO, considered the “smoking gun” of microbiome-disease interactions. Source 9w