Reasons to Kill
Please consider the following quote and place your thoughts about it within your reply:
"We kill because we are afraid of our own shadow, afraid that if we used a little common sense we'd have to admit that our glorious principles were wrong"
-- Henry Miller, The Wisdom of the Heart, 1941
This may be true for those who think that they have to kill another human to get their jollies. How ever I do not think this goes for a soldier who kills his enemy. The soldier is out to ensure his side wins by killing the other sides soldiers. I think others will kill to rid our society of a violent criminal. There are many examples where killing is right and not wrong. SO I can not say that this quote is correct most of the time.
Soldiers are there because we put them there. Even so we put them there to kill so we don't have to. That'll play a number on the person because it shouldn't be his choice whether someone dies or lives. Criminals are equal to everyone else. Just because they were pushed that way doesn't mean we should kill them. Criminals are mostly desperate or deranged people. We should help them like we help alcoholics or mentally insane people.