I was praying this morning, as I always do before Scripture reading. Just part way into my prayer, my mind kept pulling to this subject. I know this may not help eihter, but here it goes.
The Holy Ghost impressed upon my mind; The savior suffered it all, am I less privileged or special to not be also. No matter how bad we feel or hurt, Christ is always there holding our hand and looking back in pain, as he knows and shares it with us.
Think about it, in the Garden he took on all of the Earths Inhabitants pains, fears, sins and misery, all in one load. So I guess one either believes that or you don't.
Name: Shantel
Comments: This is the kind of thing I've always wondered about. I've looked at many religions answer for this and its either one of these:
1. We don't know god's will
2. Bad karma from the last life
3. Everything has a ying / yang (an opposite force)
Even for Mormons there isn't an answer. Most religions try to give this reasoning... If things are going well for you then you say god is blessing you. If things are going bad for you then you say its because we cannot know the will of god. Egyptians worshiping Ra probably said the same thing but for me it simply says "I don't know" because no amount of religious talk can explain why children are treated this way.
DavidLJ, you say a lot but it still does not answer the fundamental question of this Thread. I will repeat again:
I am not sure anyone can fully answer this question.
But will say, it is not punishment from God the Father, what Father in their right mind would normally hurt or punish their own child. As the Bible says, in Luke 11,
David, you are talking about agency, etc. All these things have been covered. The point we are trying to answer is WHY do these children have to endure such lengthy torture to the point of death? That's the question. WHY.
I guess then I have missed the marked, did you listen to the last General Conference or read it when it came out in the Ensign ? It seems to pretty much explain it.
It seems that bad things happen, and their is no time limit on them, to interfere would be paramount of denying or thwarting the whole law of Agency.
I agree it is not punish from God, but we each choose our course, that would best help us to find out way back to God. Of course there are also those who are were so valiant, they come into the world with crippled mind and or bodies, I guess put me in this one: Just glad I am not that bad. Then some only to get a body, to then go home and never live beyond a few hours or days or etc.
I do recognize that those more valiant in heaven are born generally into better homes, with more mobility and etc. But not all, many are born just as well into non member families, their mission, to be tried even more, they are there to save that family line, sometimes they are placed there to do the genealogy and temple work.
Elder Cook talks about agency and bad things that happen.
In his talk, The Songs they could not sing. You can find it online if you don't have it.
There may be more answers to what you ask, but I learn and feel from the Scriptures and from leaders, by the Spirit, these are things ones learns and picks up line upon line. My memory and cognitive abilities are not so usable all of the time, I have to depend on the Sr it to help me out.
Spirit and Church leaders only carry one so far. They are only the basics, higher knowledge and testimonies of things come to those who are open and seeking things for the right reasons.
If you ask God, he will reveal it to you, to the best of your understanding, and in time, it will be unfolded more if you seek it and it is essential for your salivation.
Sometimes one just has to have faith that God is in Charge, and his will be done. That is not mimicking church leaders, but from decades of trials and understanding from the Holy Ghost at my helm.