Law: Citizen Information Private

Law Citizen Information Private - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 15th Feb, 2009 - 3:07am

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13th Feb, 2009 - 11:56pm / Post ID: #

Law: Citizen Information Private

Law: Citizen Information Private

What do you think about the future prospects of the government wanting to make it law that you cannot publish anything about any citizen of Trinidad & Tobago without their permission? This will include anything about the person's political affiliation, identifiable numbers, medical info, financial records or transactions, etc. One thing that concerns me is how restrictive this will be for the media. They may not be able to even say a word without getting permission, of course how many people are going to give permission if they are being 'journalized' or investigated.

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14th Feb, 2009 - 12:04am / Post ID: #

Private Information Citizen Law

JB, not only that but I was reading that includes blogging and anything internet related. Yes, like China and Saudi Arabia. Is it Manning becoming Fidel Castro or what? spock.gif

15th Feb, 2009 - 3:07am / Post ID: #

Law: Citizen Information Private Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

I can understand not putting personal information on the net about people, I agree with that, but what I want to know is how far does it go. There is a BIG difference between writing about someone as in just sharing some facts of a news event like we do in TTCrime or is done by the news media and you posting someone's VISA number, or health records. I think there needs to be some detailed specifics or there will be a lot of law suits that an already over taxed court system cannot handle.

Another item that needs to be taken into consideration... will this be retroactive or just from the time time the law comes into play? For instance if the news media has an archived article about 'x' person will they now have to move it?

> TOPIC: Law: Citizen Information Private


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