US Banking System
Consider the following quote and place your thoughts:
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
-- Henry Ford (1863-1947) Founder of Ford Motor Company
Only 26% Americans trust financial system:
That's actually relatively good news for banks, big corporations and the like. It's up from 20 percent in January of 2009, when the country was still deep in recession and grappling with the financial crisis. Ref. Source 9
Seven Largest U.S. Banks Have Created Thousands Of Subsidiaries To Avoid Taxes:
Fed Report: America's seven biggest banks now have more than 14,500 subsidiaries around the world, according to a new report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (h/t Bloomberg). They have hatched more than 10,000 of these subsidiaries since 1991, largely in an aim to skirt regulations and taxes Ref. Source 8
Money-Laundering Inquiry Is Said to Aim at U.S. Banks:
Federal and state authorities are investigating a handful of major American banks for failing to monitor cash transactions in and out of their branches, a lapse that may have enabled drug dealers and terrorists to launder tainted money Ref. Source 8
Six Biggest U.S. Banks Earn $63 Billion:
Four years ago today, President George W. Bush signed into law the biggest corporate rescue in American history. Even as U.S. Unemployment has remained above 8 percent for 43 months, the country's biggest banks are making almost as much as they ever have. Ref. Source 1