Tourism propaganda not helping T&T
Minister of Tourism Joseph Ross is now claiming that Carnival arrivals are looking good. All he is doing here is trying to put a spin on the catastrophic tourism mess Trinidad and Tobago is in. He is boasting of high hotel bookings for Carnival. This is highly questionable, recalling just a few days ago he admitted to a downward trend for Carnival. Which is it Mr Ross? Ref. Source 8
NO I dont agree with you. When I was in T&T I was told I couldn't walk down a certain street because I wouldn't be safe and wouldn't come out alive. It frustrated me because the street had stalls and loads of great shops I would love to have shopped in.
I'm sorry to say but the country is in a very bad state with its crime.
From what I read online Trinidad is the more industrialised part of the nation & southern Tobago is more the holiday tourism area. I'd like to see all the murder rates listed split between Trinidad and Tobago. Tobago is away from where most of the serious crime is. Give Tobago a chance to boost its flagging tourism trade! So far most of the tourism seems to be mostly Trinni's taking a break along with a small percentage of foreign repeat trade. Been here in Tobago 2 months & not had any problems yet. Hope I did'nt just temp fate with that last sentence!
What exactly does the Trinidad & Tobago Tourist Board do to promote abroad? Does it do anything at all? Would a boost in Tobago's foreign tourism just lead to a large migration of criminals from Trinidad that the Government can't or won't deal with? Just thinking they're all gang members so let them kill each other is not what I call policing the problem, plus many innocents are dying to.
Not trying to label all Trinni's as criminals in this post, but look at the murder rate due to the criminal element. If the government doesn't do anything then how to get business in the tourism industry to start working together to promote abroad?
Tourism in Trinidad and what the Tourist Board does to promote it. Basically they focus on Carnival and some shots of beeches. Of recent they have also tried to join in the international conferences we had (AOE and Commonwealth). As for your other questions we have specific Threads that deal with Tobago look through this Board to find them all.
Here is one - Tobago Crime: Source 4 You may also be interested in: Why Is Trinidad Considered A Third World Country?
Thanks JB for your reply. I do feel that splitting the murder rate info would be benificial to Tobago's tourist trade & is posted in the right thread. I browsed the TT site over a couple of hours before placing my first proper post. My main interest is in promoting Tobago's tourist trade in the best light possible. Many jobs over here depend on tourism.