I'd like to know your definition of an assault rifle. I ask because the press, the anti-gun crowd, Democrats, and TV have sold the general public a bunch of hooey. I say that because an assault rifle by definition shoots more than one bullet when you pull the trigger. To buy that in the US requires a special license which is expensive and takes a while to get. All this hogwash about attacks with assault weapons is wrong. The rifles used are civilian versions and are semi-automatic. Just like my semi-auto hunting rifle except my hunting rifle has a more powerful round.
They do this to make it seem like the attackers are using military equipment and why would average citizens need military grade weapons. Well, they don't have military grade equipment and this is very misleading. Oh, and it's misleading to sway public opinion against owning a specific type of weapon that looks one way but isn't any different than my wooden Browning rifle I use to hunt elk.
I am mixed on this. I don't feel like anyone should know who owns weapons or has a concealed carry permit. It puts a target on that person for attacks or robbery. I just don't see why people need assault rifles. What purpose do they serve? Hunting rifles, shotguns and pistols are just fine for self defense. Assault rifles in the wrong hands can make a bad situation much worse in my opinion.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Mar, 2017 - 8:41pm
A hunting gun and an assault rifle are the same thing in many situations. The press has done an outstanding job in making a assault rifle sound bad but it is not. It is the people behind the trigger that can make it bad. Many hunting rifles are more powerful and deadly that a military assault rifle. Now if you are talking about an automatic weapon that is a whole different story.
Technically, to be an assault rifle it has to be either full auto or shoot more than one bullet at a time, like burst on an M-16. You can't buy an automatic weapon without a special permit that is very expensive to get and takes a long time. So, don't worry about people with automatic weapons.