Entrance into the Salt Lake Valley
Mormon History Related
"In an impoverished condition with virtually no material possessions, Henry Ballard set sail on a sixty-three-day trip from Liverpool to New Orleans, took a riverboat to Winter Quarters in Omaha, Nebraska, and then walked all the way to Utah. He drove a herd of sheep across the plains to pay his way. Later in life, Henry recalled his entrance into the Salt Lake Valley:" 'In October as I drove the sheep down little mountain and through the mouth of Emigration Canyon, I first beheld the Salt Lake Valley. While I rejoiced in viewing the "Promised Land," I lived in fear that some one might see me. I hid myself behind bushes all day until after dark for the rags I had on did not cover my body and I was ashamed to be thus exposed. After dark I crossed over the field to a house where a light was shining, near the mouth of the canyon, and timidly knocked on the door. Fortunately, a man answered the door and the candle light did not expose me to the view of the other members of his household. I begged for clothes to cover my naked body so that I might continue my journey and locate my parents. I was given some clothing and the next day continued my journey and arrived in Salt Lake City 16th October 1852, feeling very thankful to God that I had reached my future home in safety.' "
M. Russell Ballard, "Anchored by Faith and Commitment," Ensign, July 1995, 18-19
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