How far you go in life
Consider the below quote, and give your thoughts on it:
"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."
-- George Washington Carver
I can see that. I try to do my best to be fair to everyone. Sometimes that does not work out but I continue to try. I know I will not hold a race or group of people responsible for the actions of a few. I do tend to hold those responsible for crimes agains humanity responsible. I think these kinds of people need to be wiped off the earth and out of the gene pool.
Objectively, I see many flaws with that statement. For one, try to measure how far you go in life. Net Worth, Memories? How? Secondly, many very rich people have been extremely cold-hearted.
Subjectively, However, I agree. I myself measure how far you go in life laterally, whereas most of society measures it on a scale of forward and backward. I do not intend to amass much wealth during my life or to own beautiful things. I intend to do with my life what I want to and in that plan, tailor-made for me, are included the items in Carver's statement.
I am striving to be more compassionate to other and in my past sadly I can not say that I think traditionally I have been more self centered then I preferred to think. There is a cost for that but rewards unseen for being compassionate.