Hello everyone...
I am looking forward to meeting you and sharing ideas and information.. I am open minded to new ideas and to expand on others..
When posting to this site..please feel ok to be direct and to the point when addressing me about my view or ideas.. I am not thin skinned...and feel reasonable respect and openness are compatable... It would be my endeavor in communication to never degrade or scrabble with words or ideas that make another person uneasy or always wrong..
I was a convert to the Church in Hawaii..;
spent two years at BYWOO! and my studies were in archaeology
Got MARRIED in the temple at Salt Lake
I am a Father
When my children were very young we moved to Belize Central.A. And lived among the Ketchie Indians...they still carry in their memory a time when they Worshiped "the White Son God" openly but were persecuted and killed for it...they do not now feel secure enough to acknowledge this even to LDS and other religions as well...but I was witness to them using their knowledge and priesthood and the laying on of hands and healing instantaneously, seriously ill and injured persons...
and now Grand Father
also retired.. And live on 31 acres in the mountains of Id.
My Particular interest are in archaeology, Native American History, Adamic Language
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