Members that hardly use the site, but think it is of good quality that they even donate - to me that is amazing and a 'testimony' of all the great work we are all doing here in bring an International Community together.
Yes they want to play the RPG but as you know is not that short way until they most of them quit. There are so many ways out there to feed the hunger for games and most of us pick the easy way. Most of the players here are for different reasons and they just play for extra fun. And this I belive was the main idea when implementing this system.
Users that complain all the time, but do very little as far as contributing to the 'meat' of the community. What is the 'meat' of the community you ask? It is real easy to figure out Users that mix up the differences between simply reading and comprehension. Users that see one side of things and not the whole.
Users that seem to be born out of immaculate posting heaven and it is a pleasure to discuss, relate and feel their aura. Users that make things interesting rather than frustrating. Users that appreciate these things are free.
Users that come on here with the purpose to turn everyone away and setup a 'mutiny' type effect against the administrator only to be hit hard in the face by the dark ignorance of their actions when those to whom they try to 'convert' end up letting us know what their plans are / were.
Users that still do not understand that this place is free and that the facilities are free. Users that do not know when it is time to delete their account. Users that simply do not get it.
Users that think they are so mature and spiritually above everyone else until they are abused by their own thought process when humor is given them, yet they stay. I cannot figure it out.
Regular Member Change & Infiltrators
Due to the fact that some users have been abusing the PM feature to ill speak the board and / or turn away others from its use we have increased the ability to PM from 29 to 100 for regular members with only 3 allowable stored messages.
We also ask that if anyone contacts you via this site through the use of Email, IM, or other communication and tries to discredit the good name of this forum or ANY member or moderator of this forum that you please contact us. Most of the active users of this site consider it a second home and our online friendship like family. Each member has the potential to become a valuable contributor and in some cases they already are, so no one should be spreading gossip about anyone. We wish to keep this place clean and free from offensive talk and infiltration. Your name will not be released to the culprit and you will not be in trouble in any way, in fact we will thank you for helping us find the trojan horses within the community.