Ok, let's take a different approach on this.
Adulters for Jesus,
Satanists for Jesus,
Molesters for Jesus,
Killers for Jesus,
These do not make any more sense then the moniker "hookers for Jesus" does.
I agree with JB.
Most people are going to focus on the first part of the sentence and not see that the person is trying to bring certain people out of a harmful lifestyle. Most likely they will get the message that "its okay to be a hooker, but come to Jesus and you are saved".
There has to be a better way to reach individuals who live in spiritually dangerous lifestyles. Maybe ex-hookers for Jesus or reformed hookers for Jesus.
I have to applaud that they are trying to help the girls though.
I don't get why she was taking pictures with the porn group though. If shes there to give a message just give it. She looks like she is being a celebrity.
I actually think the "Hooker" here has a double meaning… as in hook for fishing out souls but I understand how people could see the alter meaning. I guess whatever works to bring in souls from a life of sinning.