If ye sword is getting a bit rusty why doncha sit there and work it with your whetstone. Mey thinks thas soon we be headed back south to once again deal with those bandits. This time however we should stay as a group and leave the mounts here or in the trees where they should be safe.
Yes that will make everyone responsible for themselves too because there is no wondering who will watch horses. Let our feet do the walking. When we get to the mountains then what? We know what's there already we need to just approach it right.
OOC: I am think of two nice clean kills on the two forward or north facing observation posts. If we come in from one side kill that post then go to the other side and kill that post they are blind to us then. Then we can set a trap at the entrance to take more of them out.
It will take a long time for us to get up the mountain come down again go up the next one and come down again. We probably need to plan on getting their early in the day rather than at night. Those people are like active at night but not so much in the day.
Danieltos what worked for me is to read the last scenario. Its like in story format so you get to see all that we did and how we messed up . You can read it at Source 3 and try not to laugh.
ooc: Danieltos you need to keep your activity up or you'll end up doing what I did and it wasn't easy. I don't want that to happen again that's for sure.
We need to have many missile weapons for first attacks so before the enemy has a chance we kill them. We get damaned most when we allow them up close.