OK any thought as to a formation that might help? I think we are best to protect her and any one else with a bow. I have no Idea If I have my bow or not. If so I would be glad to shoot when they are retreating and hit when required.
I shall leave that to you Klar and Playbypost. Just knew we had to down the wolves first.
Protect her? Who do you mean? I agree those with bows better start shooting now so they don't try to stay far from us and then just shoot us to death!
How does this sound for a post?
After the wolves have been laid down those with bows all except crusher answer the arrows by shooting the on coming bandits. We will continue to shoot arrows till the bandits come close to engage in melee combat.
I'm down with that, sucks not to have a bow. When we get back to the village I'll be like getting myself one.
After seeing like what we did to the wolves I don't think they will come closer. They will just keep shooting at us until we're dead.