Chris Matthews

Chris Matthews - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 3rd Mar, 2020 - 7:34am

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Top  Chris Matthews Chris Matthews, the host of the political program Hardball on MSNBC referred to pro-life advocates who oppose pro-abortion Health Secretary nominee Kathleen Sebelius as terrorists.
Post Date: 16th Mar, 2009 - 2:06pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Chris Matthews

MSNBC Host Chris Matthews Asked to Apologize for Calling Pro-Lifers Terrorists

New York, NY ( -- Earlier this month, Chris Matthews, the host of the political program Hardball on MSNBC referred to pro-life advocates who oppose pro-abortion Health Secretary nominee Kathleen Sebelius as terrorists. During his program "Hardball" on Monday night, Matthews worried that Sebelius would become the target of "the terrorism of the, of the anti-abortion people." Immediately after making the remark, Matthews appeared to realize his mistake and corrected himself to say, "I mean verbal terrorism." Now, the Family Research Council is getting thousands of pro-life advocates to email Matthews to criticize him. "Matthews' opinion appears to be that pro-lifers are terrorists because they oppose a nominee with views diametrically opposed to most of America. A nominee so radical it is difficult-impossible-to find an instance when she stood up as an elected official in support of life," FRC president Tony Perkins says. "I guess Mr. Matthews wants pro-life groups to remain silent on a nominee who voted to weaken and eliminate measures like parental notification and waiting periods. Matthews should know better and he should apologize today. It is our duty to educate our fellow citizens about a nominee for an influential cabinet position whose views on abortion and health-care reform are radically outside the mainstream. Please e-mail Chris Matthews today. Standing against abortion-embracing public officials is a moral virtue."

Image from Wikimedia public domain.

Chris Matthews
Chris Matthews (Hover)

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Post Date: 21st Sep, 2010 - 11:49pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Matthews Chris

Has Chris Matthews been abducted by aliens?

Because the 'thrill up the leg' host seems to be missing. For the second time in a week Chris Matthews sounds more like a Tea Party candidate than a Saul Alinsky loving radical on MSNBC. On his program he reprimanded Obama on the definition of taxes, and recently he also suddenly praised the Tea Party as the movement he's been waiting for. Huh? Of course, he then ended a segment saying he relies on Media Matters for information. Glenn examines the multiple personalities of Chris Matthews on radio today. Ref. Source 7

Post Date: 1st Feb, 2011 - 8:30pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Chris Matthews History & Civil Business Politics

Chris Matthews's disturbing obsession with Michele Bachmann

Chris Matthews is obsessed with Michele Bachmann. Perhaps he has a secret crush on her, and insulting her is his bizarre way of getting her attention? Is he scared of her? Either way, Matthews can't stop talking about her and in the process he can't stop making a fool of himself. Glenn plays the truly disturbing audio on radio today that makes Matthews look more like a deranged stalker than a TV host. Ref. Source 2

Post Date: 23rd Jun, 2011 - 10:49pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Matthews Chris

Is Chris Matthews insane? Yup

It's pretty clear that Chris Matthews is losing his mind. He slurs his speech (says 'conserves' instead of 'conservatives') and has trouble speaking in complete sentences. And when he does manage to string enough words together to make a sentence, it's a horrible point. For example, Matthews recently called Glenn and Rush 'liars' who are being 'evil' because of their views on the climate change hoax. Do these latest ridiculous comments prove once and for all Chris Matthews is certifiably insane? Ref. Source 2

Post Date: 21st Jul, 2011 - 12:08am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Matthews Chris

Ouch: Chris Matthews humiliated by GOP Congressman

Chris Matthews is still playing the type of politics the American people are sick and tired of, just one of the many reasons for his infinitesimal ratings. Last night he interviewed (interview in this case = pathetically attacked) Congressman Joe Walsh on the debt ceiling debate and the proposed 'Cut, Cap and Balance' plan, arguing it's not really a plan at all. Ref. Source 2

Post Date: 3rd Aug, 2011 - 12:43am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Chris Matthews

Chris Matthews drunk on air?

Glenn has the disturbing audio from a recent episode of 'Hardball' in which Chris Matthews is having an extremely difficult time communicating. His points were incoherent - par for the course - but he was also having trouble pronouncing words and speaking the English language in general. Did Matthews consume vast amounts of alcohol shortly before his program? If anyone can spot an alcoholic - it's Glenn, who is a recovering alcoholic. Ref. Source 5

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Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2020 - 7:17am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Chris Matthews

MSNBC's Chris Matthews resigns from 'Hardball' after allegations of inappropriate behavior. Chris Matthews is "retiring" immediately from his MSNBC show following accusations of inappropriate behavior. "I’m retiring," Matthews said on air Monday. "This is the last ‘Hard Ball’ at MSNBC and obviously this isn’t for lack of interest in politics.” Ref. USAToday.

3rd Mar, 2020 - 7:34am / Post ID: #

Chris Matthews Politics Business Civil & History

I don't know if the allegations are true or not but decisions / actions can crush a lifetime of building in a second.

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