In-flight entertainment systems
Frequent flier Ron Goltsch loves Continental Airlines' (CAL) entertainment system, which lets him choose from thousands of movies, TV shows, songs and games on long flights between Newark, N.J., and Frankfurt. Goltsch, an electrical engineer in Parsippany, N.J., is concerned, though, that the system under each seat's arm rest generates too much heat - 105 to 115 degrees - when not in use. Ref. Source 1
That is a little hot I think. I wonder how long it will be until some one gets burned or a spontaneous combustion occurs bringing down a plane? I think something needs to be done to bleed off the excessive heat generated by these entertainment systems.
I was recently on a flight from Bangkok to Taipei on JAL. They had a really nice system where they passed out a DVD player. The player had about 10 DVD's to choose from, so you were able to find something to watch out of the selection. What I liked most was that you could fold it up easily to get out of your seat. The ones linked to a arm are a pain to move when someone wants to go to the restroom. The other thing that would be cool is that you could bring your own DVD if you wanted to...