Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago

Bizarre Foods Trinidad Tobago - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 25th Mar, 2009 - 9:28pm

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Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago
21st Mar, 2008 - 6:58am / Post ID: #

Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago

Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago

Did you see the Food Channels coverage of the local dishes on "Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago"? They did very well in covering all the 'weird' stuff we tend to offer here. About the only thing I would eat that he liked is Shark and Bake. Local or not I do not care for black pudding, cow heel, pig tail, chicken foot, iguana or anything nasty as those. I think those poor meats would encourage my vegetarian lifestyle to come to the forefront.

Here is the first part of six clips:

The others:

Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago
Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago (Hover)

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21st Mar, 2008 - 1:29pm / Post ID: #

Tobago and Trinidad Foods Bizarre

I really enjoyed watching these shows, and the ability of the guy to taste all those sort of weird food (I think Krakyn and KNToran could well compete with the guy laugh.gif ). I was surprised something so simple as cow heel soup he didn't like, maybe was not prepared properly?

He also chose Shark and Bake as one of his top ten favorite foods around the world!

21st Mar, 2008 - 6:49pm / Post ID: #

Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Oh yes, Bizarre Foods with that adventurous guy, Andrew Zimmerman, is very interesting show to watch. I remember last year, when he came to Trinidad and Tobago, they showed it twice on television. I was very surprised, just like you LDS, that he did not like the cow heel soup. But then again, I don't like it either, so I can't really blame him! I think it was a proud moment for me, when he ate the bake & shark and declared it as one of his top ten favourite sandwiches in the entire world! I could not help but smile when he kept taking a lot of tamarind sauce and chado beni almost everywhere he went.

I am always amazed by the type of food this man consumes. Doesn't he ever get food poisoning or an allergic reaction?

3rd May, 2008 - 3:28pm / Post ID: #

Tobago and Trinidad Foods Bizarre

That was really good viewing and he did a good job at cataching some of the local foods. It must really be gross to watch someone eat chicken feet or pig tail, I don't eat those either but I've gotten used to seeing others do it.

Post Date: 3rd May, 2008 - 3:47pm / Post ID: #

Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago
A Friend

Tobago and Trinidad Foods Bizarre

How about pickled pigs feet? Does that count as a weird food? If so then I have ate that. smile.gif I would love to try shark someday. I have had swordfish, and squid. But no shark yet. I have a active membership in PETA (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals).

4th May, 2008 - 3:28am / Post ID: #

Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago

I watch these shows all the time. His show and Anthony Boudain's show are some of my favorites of the travel channel. I have eaten chicken feet and can say that I dont need to do so again in the immediate future. Pigs feet can be quite good. In Taiwan, it is a common thing to eat (smoked/roasted pigs fee). If you can get by the look of it, the taste is quite good. The thing that got him here in Taiwan was the stinky tofu! He liked the street version and trust me the name fits! However, he later tried a extra special healthy version of stinky tofu that was aged in extra special rotted veggies. That didnt go down so well. As a matter of fact, he said that was up there as one of the nastiest taste he every had and promptly left the remaining portion. He was nice enough to thank his host though for a delightful meal! laugh.gif

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Post Date: 25th Mar, 2009 - 9:28pm / Post ID: #

Bizarre Foods Trinidad & Tobago

Name: Kat

Comments: Am from Trinidad and am proud to be part of this beautiful island.To all you travelers have an open mind when traveling, you don't have to try the local dishes but where is the adventure in that.

> TOPIC: Bizarre Foods: Trinidad & Tobago


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