Cookie Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing - Page 3
Thank you sooo much!
My day is going pretty quiet so far. I took a day off from work so I slept for most of the day and later my family and I are going to Josephs restaurant. This is my GOLDEN birthday (I'm 25 on the 25th) its a big deal in a way. For the entire week ive been going out to dinner with different groups of friends, and I'm looking forward to spending tonight with the folks. I'm also planning a trip to Cuba with some close girlfreinds..hopefully in May, but I still have to confirm that.
All in all, it has been really great. I think this is the first year I actually really like my birthday. Since I could remember, ive always been gloomy on the day for no real reason. But this time its different. A new level of maturity maybe...?..hmmm...
So, thanks for the best wishes and I will, as usual, make time for the great topics on your forum;)