Twitter pulled back the curtain on its $1 billion initial public offering, revealing that the social network is still unprofitable.
In its first public financial statement, Twitter said it lost $79.4 million on $316.9 million in sales in 2012. The company is on track for an even steeper loss in 2013, but sales are also rapidly increasing. Ref. CNN
New study highlights power of crowd to transmit news on Twitter
The tiny fraction of headlines that news editors push out on Twitter draw a large share of eyeballs, but it's the stories recommended by friends that trigger more clicks. In what may be the first independent study of news consumption on social media, researchers found that reader referrals drove 61 percent of the nearly 10 million clicks in a random sample of news stories posted on Twitter. Ref. Source 7y.
'I miss you so much': How Twitter is broadening the conversation on death and mourning
Social media is redefining how people grieve, bringing conversations about death back into the public realm, sociologists found. And Twitter in particular, they say, is broadening the discourse around who may engage when someone dies. Ref. Source 2u.
Update to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
As we continue to improve Twitter's products and features, we've also been working on improving our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Our Terms of Service are now easier to read and better organized, which should help users worldwide. Our Privacy Policy has been updated to include a section on the EU-US Privacy Shield program. In addition, we've updated and clarified how various services have changed over time. For example, we've included adding additional information on non-public communications, using multiple accounts, logged out access, and our advertising services. Feel free to learn more about this in the Help Center.
Please take a moment to read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and keep in mind that by using our services on or after September 30, 2016, you agree to the revisions. Ref. Source 5g.