The Market Place

The Market Place - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 2nd Apr, 2009 - 5:05pm

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1st Apr, 2009 - 6:23pm / Post ID: #

The Market Place

The title says it all shop till you drop or are broke.

Pretty much if it exists in the real world you can buy it.

This is a pretty basic list but might help.

Body Armor $15 per point of collision damage required.

Bulletproof Uniform

$1,100 Full suit, restrictive form
$1,600 Full suit, lightweight form
$675 Cape, lightweight form

Flak Vest $2,000 10 Pt. Bulletproof armor

Crash Helmet

$75 10 Pt. Light helmet

$150 15 Pt. Full helmet

$450 15 Pt. Full helmet, bulletproof

$750 15 Pt. Full bulletproof w/radio

$75 Shatterproof visor

$125 Bulletproof visor

$20 extra for mirrored visor

First Aid Kit $10


$5 Pocket flashlight
$15 Large flashlight
$35 Small floodlight w/battery pack
$75 Medium floodlight with colored lenses
and battery pack, with flasher
$120 Large floodlight, lenses, adjustable

Homing Bugs $50 to $500

I.R.Goggles $2,250 Lets you see in darkness, but poorly

Knockout Darts

$300 Air powered dart gun, single shot
$5 Cost per dart

Starlight Lenses $5,000 Light amplification


$25 Cheap handheld, 100 yard range
$35 Medium hand held, 1/4 mile range
$150 Handheld short wave, 5 mile range
$150 Tracking receiver for homing bugs
$225 CB/FM with microphone, 10 mile
$300 Medium quality short wave, 20 mile
$300 Police frequency monitor w/scanner
$750 Full range hand held, 50 mile range

Homing Bugs:A Homing bug can send a radio signal up to 20
miles, and will run for 24 hours on a battery. Doubling the
range or life span doubles the cost (base cost is $50), and bugs
that can pick up voices costs double.

Cars tanks or plane will get pricing as requested.

Rations: $15 a day

Mercenary and Only Mercenary will be allowed Guns as a hero.


$50 .22 "Saturday Night Special"
25rd $20.00
$75 .22 caliber, average quality
25rd $20.00
$120 .32 or .38 caliber, or good .22
25rd $20.00
$200 Good .38 or 357
50rd for $20.00 metal jacket or 20rd hollow point for $25.00
$400 .44. Or .45, top .38 or 357
50rd for $20.00 metal jacket or 20rd hollow point for $25.00
$750 Good .44 or 45
20rd hollow point bonded core $40.00 50 jacketed hollow point for $30.00 Deep penetrating 20rd for $50.00
$1500 Top of the line .44 magnum
20rd hollow point bonded core $40.00 50 jacketed hollow point for $30.00 Deep penetrating 20rd for $50.00

50% extra for automatic pistols

Reconcile Edited: krakyn on 1st Apr, 2009 - 6:26pm

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2nd Apr, 2009 - 5:05pm / Post ID: #

Place Market The

Body Armor:

Body Armor is padding worn to cut damage
caused by heavy impacts. It's bulky and restrictive, and is not
bulletproof. Body Armor costs $15 per point of damage reduction,
and reduces any defense bonus you may get from DEX or
Martial Defense by one tenth (1/10) the number of points of
body armor worn (ie. 10 points of armor is -1, 20 is -2). This
adjustment is rounded normally. Body armor cuts collision
damage in half, but never reduces it by more than your
Constitution, or than it has armor points. It weighs 1/4 pound
per point.

Bulletproof Uniform:

Bulletproof clothing is made of a special
Kevlarâ„¢ fabric, and comes in two thicknesses. It works
by converting some or all of the bonus CON damage done by
bullets into simple Vitality damage (see "Injury and Death",
Page 24).

The heavy form is stiff, resembling light leather. It
will convert up to 15 points of CON damage to Vitality damage,
plus 1/2 of all other CON damage due to penetrating
weapons. Its stiffness reduces defense bonuses given by DEX,
Martial defense by 1. It costs $50 a square foot.

The lighter form resembles heavy silk, and is much preferred
by nimbler characters, since it doesn't interfere with movement
at all. It is a bit more expensive, and will convert up to 10
points of CON damage from bullets, and half of whatever else
gets through. This form costs $75 a square foot.

Note that both
types are half as effective against arrows, throwing stars,
swords, and knives. Both forms can be made fireproof for double
the cost.

(Fireproof clothing cuts damage caused by incidental
contact with fire by 50%. It does not help against Flame

Crash Helmet:

A Crash Helmet is simply body armor for the
head. Instead of affecting Defense Class with it's bulk, it interferes
with hearing and peripheral vision (ie. 1/10 the points as
a Save penalty). See Saving Throws, on Page 14, for an explanation
of this.

First Aid Kit:

This is a small case containing bandages, sterile
dressings, and medications used for cuts, burns, and other
injuries: No hero should be without one.

Flak Vest:

A Flak Vest, also called a bulletproof vest, is a heavily
padded suit that covers the main torso and hip areas. It will
stop all but armor piercing bullets, converting up to 20 points
of bonus CON damage to extra Vitality damage. It also acts as
ten point body armor. Note that you can still be shot in the
head or legs, and that the suit does hinder movement, just like
any other body armor does (see "Body Armor", above).


Floodlights can come in many different sizes,
from hand held flashlights to ones that mount on a car and will
blister paint at ten paces. They are useful for signalling people,
blinding opponents, or even (gasp) lighting a room. Only the
biggest ones will be able to dazzle people ($75 and up).

> TOPIC: The Market Place


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