179th Annual General Conference
WHat are your expectations for the 179th Annual General Conference? If you read this Thread after the 179th Annual General Conference has finished then please review what you liked / learned the most in the 179th Annual General Conference.
Some interesting things that happened/were discussed in the two sessions of General Conference today (Saturday):
1. The First African member of the First Quorum of the Seventy was called. Joseph Wafula Sitati (54), currently serving as a mission president in Nigeria.
2. President Uchdorf by mistake announced the next two speakers instead of the Church auditor. When the auditor got up to the podium said, "I'm neither."
3. Elder Ballard who previously encouraged members to use the internet to spread the Gospel, says now that the internet is a potential hub of mass apostasy and that you "cannot do a Google search to gain a testimony".
4. Elder Cook mentioned it is important to be kind to all members regardless of their Church activity or commitment.
5. Elder Nelson said public prayers should be short, should not become an unscheduled sermon.
6. Elder Hales talked about the sin of over consumption and getting things that enthrall us but cannot satisfy.
7. Sister Lifferth talked about reverence. She also mentioned we should respect the Priesthood by calling priesthood leaders by their titles.
Priesthood Meeting
1. Elder Packer encouraged Young Men to learn things that are practical in the house, such as sewing and fixing things. It will help them to serve others.
2. Elder Uchdorf talk about "Distractions" and said "Sometimes the things that distract us are not bad in and of themselves. But it is possible to take even good things to excess.
"We have been entrusted with the holy priesthood and charged with the responsibility, power and right to act as agents of our heavenly king. "¦ We cannot "¦ allow ourselves to get distracted from our sacred duty. We cannot "¦ lose focus on the things that matter most."
He mentioned excessive blogging along excessive family history research as "burned out lightbulbs" that distract us from what is really important.
Sunday Morning Session
1. President Uchtdorf said "It is not enough merely to speak of Jesus Christ or proclaim that we are his disciples. It is not enough to surround ourselves with symbols of our religion. Discipleship is not a spectator sport. We cannot expect to experience the blessings of faith by standing inactive on the sidelines any more than we can experience the benefits of health by sitting on a sofa watching sporting events on television and giving advice to the athletes. And yet for some, 'spectator discipleship" is a preferred if not a primary way of worshiping."
2. Sister Thompson said each of us is in a different family situation and that wee must be "fixed in our purpose" as we seek to increase in faith and personal righteousness, strengthen our families and homes, and serve the Lord and His children.
3. President Monson talked about being a good cheer despite our circumstances. He shared some very sad stories. In the closing hymn "We thank thee O God for a Prophet", they show a slideshow of pictures of him while the song was playing.
Sunday Afternoon Session
Elder Oaks said LDS members are unique in the extent of their selfless service and uniquely committed to sacrifice. He also said: "Some say "I didn't learn anything today" or "No one was friendly" or "I was offended" or "The Church is not fulfilling my needs." All those answers are self-centered and all retard spiritual growth." He also spoke about dogs instead of children.
Elder Perry talked about the lost sheep, that we should ponder how it feels to be lost, and what it means to be a spiritual shepherd.
President Monson spoke about technology and porn.