University of Notre Dame
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Notre Dame Trustee Quits After Criticism of Pro-Abortion Donations
A member of the Board of Trustees for the University of Notre Dame has resigned her position following criticism from pro-life Catholics following revelations that she made substantial donations to an extreme pro-abortion group.
In May, Catholic educational watchdog Cardinal Newman Society discovered that Roxanne M. Martino, a newly-appointed member of the trustees board, contributed $16,150 to the pro-abortion group EMILY's List between 2005 and 2008. The watchdog group also uncovered information showing Martino gave donations to the Chicago Foundation for Women, which supports various pro-abortion groups including Planned Parenthood.
Martino has given a total of somewhere between $3,250 and $5,996 to the pro-abortion Chicago Foundation for Women between 2004 and 2011, CNS notes.
Martino, president and chief executive officer of Aurora Investment Management, a Chicago firm, told WGN today she is stepping down.
"I dearly love my alma mater and remain fully committed to all aspects of Catholic teaching and to the mission of Notre Dame," she said in a statement. "I had looked forward to contributing in this new role, but the current controversy just doesn't allow me to be effective."
Richard C. Notebaert, chairman of the university's Board of Trustees, told CNS that Martino did not realize Emily's List was a pro-abortion group that only supported candidates who back taxpayer funding of abortions and oppose any limits on abortions, including late-term abortions. Ref. Source 2
Notre Dame Under Fire for Pro-Abortion Internships
The University of Notre Dame may be Catholic but it is once again coming under fire from pro-life advocates. Last time it was because the university gave platform to pro-abortion President Barack Obama and bestowed upon him an honorary degree.
This time, Notre Dame is upsetting pro-life groups for promoting internships for its students with pro-abortion organizations. According to Tradition Family Property Student Action Director John Ritchie, Notre Dame is offering students 'summer internship opportunities" at several notorious pro-abortion organizations. Ref. Source 6
University of Notre Dame Shuts Down Fund to Protect Human Life
Both The Irish Rover and The Sycamore Trust are reporting that the University of Notre Dame has shut down the four-year-old Notre Dame Fund to Protect Human Life. The decision appears to have been made so that direction of the Fund could be placed under control of a University department rather than an independent committee. The Trust describes the change as a 'subversion of the Fund.". Ref. Source 1
Notre Dame Sues Obama: We Won't Obey the HHS Mandate
The University of Notre Dame is back in court taking on the Obama administration and its pro-abortion HHS mandate that forces religious companies, organizations, and schools to pay for birth control and abortion-causing drugs for their employees.
Earlier this year, a federal judge dismissed the lawsuit Notre Dame filed against the HHS mandate. U.S. District Judge Robert L. Miller Jr. Dismissed the suit, claiming that Notre Dame is sufficiently protected by a very narrowly-drawn religious exemption in the mandate - that pro-life legal groups say does not apply to every religious entity. Ref. Source 7