Adam Lambert - Page 4 of 4

I find Adam Lambert has a talent in singing, - Page 4 - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 12th Oct, 2012 - 8:41pm

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Posts: 29 - Views: 2562
31st Jul, 2010 - 8:16am / Post ID: #

Adam Lambert - Page 4

We're in the 21st century and the s-xual orientation of another person is still an issue. To everyone out there - get over it! Why is it such a big deal? Gay, straight, bi, its about the person, don't care who they go to bed with.

I have heard this guy sing and he's an amazing singer. We had a guy in Aust idol who came out after the competition, and perhaps that made a difference, but I don't know. I wish people would start worrying about the big issues, like the environment or murderers...but then, that's just my two cents worth!

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Post Date: 7th Sep, 2010 - 9:09pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Lambert Adam

Idol star Adam Lambert set to hit NZ

Controversial American Idol star Adam Lambert is set to perform in New Zealand for the first time. Ref. Source 3

Post Date: 9th Feb, 2011 - 2:20am / Post ID: #

Adam Lambert
A Friend

Adam Lambert Sports & Fashion Music Movies

"What do you want from me!?" (laugh), a really great song. He is a one hit wonder though. Hopefully he comes back better than ever, really talented.

Post Date: 12th Oct, 2012 - 11:19am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 4 Lambert Adam

Adam Lambert whirlwind visit

In the past 12 months, he's played to a TV audience of half a billion people in China, performed alongside Queen, released his second album, and turned 30. It's fair to say 2012 has been a pretty big year for Adam Lambert. Ref. Source 8

12th Oct, 2012 - 8:41pm / Post ID: #

Lambert Adam

I find Adam Lambert has a talent in singing, I have heard him sing in American idol, to me he sings pretty good!

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> TOPIC: Adam Lambert


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