It must be like totally frustrating to have all that genius but challenged to express it. He's like a totally good example that you can go against the odds and become brilliant no matter your disability.
For Mr. Hawking God no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the Universe.
I know where he is going with the idea of no need for God for the big bang to occur, but I still have problems with where did the energy come from to allow the gravitational and magnetic forces to transform it into mass? I can see that with what he is saying that he doesnt see a need for God to specifically have made the Universe or rather touched off the big bang. However, he would still need to explain the origin of this free floating energy to totally pull the need for a creator out of it.
Edited: Vincenzo on 3rd Sep, 2010 - 12:50am
Stephen Hawking and others like him may be more okra with academics than the rest of us but they are fundamentally flawed in their theories because they are seeking to understand something far bigger than they can comprehend. It is like a brain cell inside the body trying to tell you the history of the whole person they occupy using blood samples and a couple of memories. Additionally, they often forget that their theories are based on observation and forensics which gives a narrow perspective and not necessarily the truth. Hence their famous predecessors thought the world was flat and made other wrong theories simply because they were trying to find truth through just looking.
Oh I see you are on that argument, so my question to you would be "what created god and what laws govern god" if your answer is "god is eternal" then its equally applied that the universe could also be eternal and therefore needs no god to create it.
Also are you sure you want to say god created our universe, if so you can only create something in the time dimension, therefore god would also have to be in the time dimension to create our universe ,and following from that god him/it self would also have to be created.
So take your pick.