As the WHO is a very political entity, with specific goals in mind, it doesn't surprise me that it is actively pushing the idea of an unstoppable pandemic, although the information is becoming very clear that it is no more dangerous than the "common" flu. After all, a pandemic is what gives this organization the political power to push through the types of "reforms" that it wants in various countries.
I take what the WHO says nowadays with a grain of salt. I do not believe they are a trustworthy entity anymore. I would hope that they would quit their political agendas and just get back to helping everyone. I think their opinion of the H1N1 flu is blown way out of proportion now.
I went to pick up the little boy that I look after today from school, and the school had sent aa letter out saying that everyone should stay calm, but there has been one case of someone contracting swine flu at the school!
The government recommendations are just as JB's post, but they are recommending you frequently use a anti-bacterial hand gel that contains alcohol.
I'm not happy about the situation, and if it had been at my own kids school, believe me, they wouldn't have been sent back in until I was sure there were not going to be any more cases there!
Would you take the same stance if it was the "regular" flu? How about if it is chickenpox?
H1N1 is not significantly worse than the normal flu right now. The hysteria about it is artificially induced to advance some political and social agendas.
That doesn't mean we should not be concerned about it. But no more so than many other health concerns. IMO.