Experts Call For Global Drug Policy Reform As Evidence Shows war On Drugs Has Harmed Public Health Human Rights
Science Related News
Fifty years of drug policies aimed at restricting and criminalizing drug use and minor possession have had serious detrimental effects on the health, well-being and human rights of drug users and the wider public, according to a major new report.
Mexico: U.S. Shows "Terrible" Hypocrisy on Drugs
Original Post Date: 8th Oct, 2010 - 2:14pm
What do you think about the statement from Mexico that the USA shows hypocrisy on drugs?
American death rate from drugs, alcohol, and mental disorders nearly triples since 1980
A new study examines deaths in 21 cause groups, ranging from chronic illnesses like diabetes and other endocrine diseases, to infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, to accidents, including traffic fatalities. It explores mortality rates and how they have changed in every US county between 1980 and 2014, creating the most comprehensive view to date of how Americans die. Ref. Source 1t.
This is another really tough subject. I feel the drug war has failed by and large. The answer to me is to legalize all drugs. The FDA can inspect them to ensure they meet whatever standards are set up. Make it like the marijuana law is in Colorado. You can use it but not in public. Then hold people accountable for their actions. If you are high on a drug and commit a violent act then the drug is no excuse. You will be charged. People should be free to do what they want with their own bodies as long as they don't harm others.
In an ideal world I would want no one to do illegal drugs. They can cause great harm to the users and others. By legalizing it would cut out most of the gun violence in this country just as legalizing alcohol after prohibition did. Law enforcement could then concentrate their focus on other matters. People that became addicted and wanted to quit could go to a treatment facility free of charge. I feel this would be more effective than pouring all kinds of money into stopping it and yet it still goes on in large numbers. This would greatly reduce prison populations. Instead of the state giving welfare benefits to families of those in prison for using drugs the users could now be out in society supporting their own family. Just my opinion. I am in no way an expert in this field.
I can support marijuana legalization, and grit my teeth concerning a few others, but all of them?
Far too many drugs are too dangerous in my opinion to exist, both to users and those around them, much less be freely available. Locking a pcp user up for the murders committed while high does not help the victims.