I saw the trailer and the tunnel but in a way I'm not surprised or anything like that because drugs means big money and these people will do anything to keep the money coming in.
Venezuela, Bolivia rejects US drug report :
Both countries, which are led by leftist presidents highly critical of U.S. Foreign policy, lambasted the report, denying its claims and saying that Washington has no right to judge other countries on how they handle the drug trade. Ref. Source 2
War on Drugs, Mexican Death Toll Could Exceed 120,000 As Calderon Ends Six-Year Reign :
Although the now estimated 120,000 to 130,000 intentional homicides in Mexico - called "homicidios dolosos" - outraged Le Monde, few other prominent news organizations in the United States or Mexico took notice. Ref. Source 3
"If you want to fight a war on drugs, sit down at your own kitchen table and talk to your own children"
- Barry McCaffrey
DEA Chief Dials Back Drug War Bluster After Talk With Holder
WASHINGTON -- Drug Enforcement Administrator Michele Leonhart and her boss, Attorney General Eric Holder, appear locked in a bureaucratic staring match over the Obama administration's attempt to reform the way the federal government approaches criminal justice and punishment. For Holder and for"¦ Ref. Source 2
Latin America's Anti-drug Policies Feed on the Poor:
Poor young men, slumdwellers and single mothers are hurt the most by anti-drug policies in Latin America, according to representatives of governments, social organisations and multilateral bodies meeting at the Fifth Latin American Conference on Drug Policies. Ref. Source 9
Johann Hari: Everything We Know About the Drug War & Addiction is Wrong:
Over the past four years Hari has traveled to the United States, Mexico, Canada, Uruguay and Portugal to research his new book, "Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War of Drugs." His findings may surprise you Ref. Source 4