David Hamilton
Obama Pro-Abortion Judicial Pick David Hamilton Gets Senate Hearing Wednesday
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on Wednesday on President Barack Obama's first pro-abortion judicial nomination. Obama named David Hamilton, a former Clinton federal district court nominee, to serve on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Hamilton was initially appointed by President Clinton to a district judgeship in Indiana in 1994 even though the ABA gave him a "not qualified" rating. In that position, Hamilton issued a series of rulings over seven years that prevented Indiana from implementing its informed consent law that would give women information about abortion's risks and alternatives. Sen. Pat Leahy, a pro-abortion Vermont Democrat who is the chairman of the Senate panel, scheduled a hearing on Wednesday for Hamilton's nomination after Republicans boycotted an earlier hearing saying they were not given enough time to prepare for it. Hamilton has the backing of that Indiana's Republican senator, Dick Lugar, but pro-life Sen. James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, has already pledged to filibuster Hamilton's nomination. Meanwhile, pro-life Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, another Republican, has also indicated he is potentially voting against Hamilton and perhaps supporting a filibuster of his nomination.
"There is a growing frustration in the Judiciary Committee about a pattern of far-left nominees," Sessions said. "I believe the president deserves deference, but he's about used all the deference he's going to get out of me." Ref. Source 9
David Hamilton (Hover)