Who created Internet jargon? Was it the computer experts, teenagers or cyber stalkers? What do you think is the sole purpose of using internet jargon? Is this an excuse not to use standard english language or was this language specifically designed to talk in a secret code, so that "parents" or other adults would not understand, what their children are discussing online with their friends or strangers?
I remember when I first started instant messaging people on the internet, I had a difficult time learning the "internet jargon." Fortunately, a friend of mine online was patient and generous enough to compile a list of "internet jargon" for me to learn. Who taught you and which do you prefer, standard english or "internet jargon?" What are your views on this? Edited: Geenie on 2nd Dec, 2008 - 7:50pm
I am unsure on the origins but I thought it cam about due to plain laziness and impatience. It is faster to type internet jargon and on dial up ect it counts in the earlier days. Now if text messaging using those tiny letters on a phone less letters is better. Then again I have never really research or thought deeply on this.
I believe that the internet jargon was created by people as a easy way to talk while on dial up as it was not a reliable way to stay connected. I learned all the jargon over time and talking to others back when all I had was dial up. My current wife taught me a lot of them too.