I wonder if the law states that she must face the death penalty AFTER giving birth or is she totally "saved"?
A British woman held in a Laos prison for allegedly drug smuggling will not face the death penalty if convicted because she is pregnant, says the country's government. Samantha Orobator, 20, has been allowed to see a British government official, but was refused the chance to speak to a U.K. Lawyer. The Laos government says the country's law bans executing pregnant prisoners. Khenthong Nuanthasing of the Lao Foreign Ministry said her trial will not be held until next week so that an "appropriate lawyer" could be found to defend her... |
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If they wait to execute her after she has given birth it will give the british government time to possibly get her back. On the other hand if she was not smuggling in drugs then she would not be in the boat she is now. Seems to me she did not give a darn about the law.