Trini Sauce Fascination

Trini Sauce Fascination - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 6th May, 2009 - 10:45am

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Post Date: 6th May, 2009 - 10:45am / Post ID: #

Trini Sauce Fascination

Trini Sauce Fascination

Name: Angel

Comments: I visited Trinidad for two month and did a little bit of research on food. It was interesting and sometimes really tasty. Now back home, I'm glad to find this platform. And a lot of questions, are already asked. For example the "chicken fascination" question. That brings me to the other "fascination":


I could definitely not believe the amount use of this sauces in/on every food! and not only when ordered also when cooked. Actually I was shocked. Things for example: from my culture background (European) I am used to eat Pizza, because of the flavor on the top. I am also used to eat noodle salad, macaroni pies etc, because of the flavor. And I'm also used to eat good meat because of the flavor.
In fact, with these tons of ketch up or any other sauces you don't taste the flavor anymore! Just the combination of it. Is this what is about?
I tried a lot of things without sauces, to see how it "realy" tastes...and well, I'm sorry to say this, in some cases it tasted like nothing. And I was glad to have ketch up then for example macaroni pie. I am aware of that this depends on the cook, but still my question: What is this ketch up thing about? and did your parents, and grandparents also used often?
ahh and one more, I'm glad that during my observations I did not see crazy "eating disorders" like in other countries, but still I recognize an upcoming interested about gain weight throughout food. And some people look out of trying not to eat to many "calories"...but do they even know how much sugar and calories Ketch up has? or do they know and just don't care?

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