African & Indian Dating at UWI

African Indian Dating Uwi - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 27th Sep, 2003 - 2:18pm

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Post Date: 14th Sep, 2003 - 7:48am / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
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African & Indian Dating at UWI

I'm just asking because an Indian cat from the UK told me that when I get to Trinidad, don't expect any Indian women to respond if I was to approach them..A young lady from another discussion board says the exact opposite..That Indian women in Trinidad ain't gotta nothing but love for brothers from the USA..

So, my question is: which one of them is correct?

I'm only gonna be in Trinidad for my cousin's wedding but I'm single and I'm not gonna be a monk while I'm in Trinidad..I'm gonna go out and dance and party..I'll just be my charming self and try to meet a nice young lady during my stay..I normally approach women that I find attractive but I don't wanna be looking really stupid by pushing up on women that ain't feeling brothers..

You know the type--thefemales that might have some residual colonial racist nonsense swirling about in their noggins..Which is why I asked the question about Indian women..

I'm new here so any input, any info y'all can give a brother woukd be greatly appreciated..

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14th Sep, 2003 - 3:14pm / Post ID: #

UWI Dating Indian African

spock.gif Strange question. I think it needs to be answered on an individual basis. However, I have never heard of Trinidad women not having conversation with someone from another land.

Offtopic but,
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14th Sep, 2003 - 4:28pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Fillmore, I would say is a personal thing, it depens on the girl but definetly is not a race issue since Indians are not white people (I'm not saying white people are racial!, I just say it because of the black and white issue thing) so if they're racial towards black people would be very silly because there are so many Indians that are very dark skin, you may even think they're black.
But Trinis in general are very open towards people, I don't think you will have a problem with that, of course, it all depends on what kind of social status are you going to be liming with.

Post Date: 14th Sep, 2003 - 10:21pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
A Friend

UWI Dating Indian African


Post Date: 15th Sep, 2003 - 12:03am / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
A Friend

UWI Dating Indian African

I'd like to thank everybody that has responded to my question so far..I was really taken aback when my indian friend from the UK told me that the indian women in trinidad didn't date brothas from the states..I was like, "That can't be true", but seeing how I wasn't even aware that trinidad had a sizeable indian population anyway, I took him at his word..

I just found it kind of odd that Indian women would diss brothas like that--seeing as how they're also people of color..I know it all depends on what floats a person's boat and everything from body type to social status, so what is true for one female isn't gonna be true for another..

But judging from the responses that I've recieved here as well as another message board, I will do as many of you suggest..

Thanks again for all the input..Peace..

16th Sep, 2003 - 2:05pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI

Your welcome, now you may feel free to post other questions or reply the the topics already listed if you want to know more about Trinidad.

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Post Date: 27th Sep, 2003 - 12:59pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating at UWI
A Friend

African & Indian Dating UWI

man yuh just visiting the place  for a few days and thinking about only one aspect of such a short stop over?  stepsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

27th Sep, 2003 - 2:18pm / Post ID: #

African & Indian Dating UWI Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

That is a very good point! I did not think about that. Yeah so much to do here so much to see rather than worry about rejection from a particular race of woman.

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