Sweden Gender Selection

Sweden Gender Selection - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 15th May, 2009 - 1:52pm

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It is OK to kill your baby if the gender is not what you hoped for...
Post Date: 14th May, 2009 - 7:00pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Sweden Gender Selection

I don't want them punished with a baby!

In Sweden they now say it's okay to have an abortion if you don't get the gender baby you desire. Glenn solicits calls from only those pro-choice members of the audience and gets several amazing people who say they think abortion is murder, but still remain pro-choice. Glenn attempts to take the calls, like Shawn in Philadelphia, in a non-argumentative manner---which proves to be a difficult task. Ref. Source 3

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Post Date: 15th May, 2009 - 1:52pm / Post ID: #

Sweden Gender Selection
A Friend

Selection Gender Sweden

I believe as time goes by we are going to see more and more people getting an abortion due to the baby being the wrong gender. We will have this go on until they can come up with a way for us to select the qualities we want our child to have to include what sex. IS is right? NO I do not believe so but I bet it becomes fact.

> TOPIC: Sweden Gender Selection


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