A Request To Chat
I could never understand why someone would bother to send you an Email saying they want to ask you a question on an instant messenger when they could have just done so in the original message they sent you. I personally do not use instant messengers for anything outside of business or support, yet there are people who want to contact you to just chat as though you have nothing to do. What is more is these are complete strangers, I do not know who they are, they have not really introduced themselves, but of course they somehow know beforehand that I have nothing better to do than add them to my instant messenger and chat all day!
I have been guilty of this in the past myself actually. While I understand that sitting and chatting real time does cause an interruption in work I do find it better than asking questions through email in some cases. I believe that this is mainly because if I am in an I'm chat session I know that as soon as I ask the question it is in the hand of the person that I am asking. It also helps to prevent long fluffy explanations to things that quite honestly do not even answer your original question. I guess this is kind of the same difference as a face to face conversation rather than a telephone call. You get the gratification of seeing the look on someone's face and are more likely to get their first response answer and not have them reword it 15 times in attempt to make the e-mail sound all professional.
It also serves a good purpose as in some situations depending on the answer to the question that you ask you have may follow up questions that you could get answered immediately rather than having to wait on yet another e-mail response.
I rarely put on or ask to chat unless its some close friend. Random chat is the worst. You get people asking you the same questions and a lot of them really weird questions.
Chatting is not so bad if people just get to the point if its for business. I hate when you do something like;
Me: Hi, how are you?
(2 minutes passes by)
Person: Fine, and you?
Me: Doing good so shall we discuss 'x'?
(2 minutes passes by)
Person: Hold a sec someone at the door.
(5 minutes pases by)
Person: Ok I'm ready...
(1 minute passes by)
Person, sorry was on the phone.