Republic Windows and Doors
Victory to the UEW Plant Takeover in Chicago!
By Mark Vorpahl
On December 5, in Chicago, the owners of Republic Windows and Doors were set to close their doors after declaring financial ruin and abruptly laid off its 260 mostly Latino workers. Rather than passively accepting this kick in the teeth, the United Electrical Workers Union (UE) members decided to fight back, using a tactic not seen in this country since the 1930's. They occupied the factory and have continued to do so in shifts since Friday.
Ref. Source 4
So if I have a business that is now failing due to the lack of sales I should beg the government to come buy my product just to keep me in business? How on earth is that suppose to help the country?
It is attitudes like this that will entice riots in the streets causing far greater harm then good. I feel bad that any plant is shut down as it means children go hungry. At the same time how on earth can the government (using tax dollars) bail out every single company. Perhaps the company had cost effectiveness issues that caused their downfall, but a bail out no way. Could the bank continue to hold the finance sure if the future sales are foreseeable.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
Chicago Window Factory Reopens with Occupying Workers Back on the Job
Workers at Chicago's Republic Windows and Doors factory occupied their plant in December after the plant's owners gave workers just three days' notice of the plant's closure. They won a settlement, and now the factory has remained open under new management. We speak to Armando Robles, a maintenance worker at the factory and local union president. Ref. Source 3